Creator Pastor Entrepreneur Coach Speaker Filmmaker
Kap Chatfield is a pastor, creator, entrepreneur, speaker, and business coach on a mission to help you find, fund, and fulfill your calling to flip culture upside down.
Secrets for Accelerated YouTube Growth with God
Want to learn how to grow and monetize a YouTube channel with God? Download my free e-course.
✅ How to attract the right audience & build influence online
✅ The 3-step system to turn content into a sustainable business
✅ The biggest mistakes Christian creators make (and how to avoid them)
Kap’s Projects & Products
Grab your scuba mask. Kap’s flagship podcast dives deep into what it means to be directed by the Holy Spirit to find, fund, and fulfill your calling to flip culture upside down.
Scale your influence and income without losing your soul. Kingdom Creator is Kap Chatfield’s coaching community to help ministers, creators, and entrepreneurs build successful YouTube channels with God.
You can experience God’s best, wherever you are. Check out the online community of Pastor Kap’s church, Love Church.
Shop well, with integrity. Join thousands of shoppers in making a switch to made-in-America, eco-friendly household products.
‘Merica! 🇺🇸