Create eternal impact and generational wealth by creating content for the Kingdom.
Learn how to create content on social media for the glory of God, and fund your ministry while doing it.
Apply to partner with Kap Chatfield and his businesses so we can flip the marketplace upside down for God's glory.
Spend a day with Kap Chatfield and leave with crystal clarity on how to accelerate your brand for God's glory and make a living doing it.
Hire Kap Chatfield to speak at your next event and leave your audience super-charged with faith and practical handles on how to build their brand.
Let God be the Director of your business
What happens when you fully put your business in God's hands? Watch Kap's testimony below to find out.
Want to create content for the Kingdom full-time?
Join my content-led community to learn everything you need to build your online ministry/business for God's glory.